For Two Authors:
Yadav Seema and Srivastav Ajai K. (2009) Influence of calcitonin administration on ultimobranchial and parathyroid glands of pigeon Columba livia. Microsc Res Tech. 72: 380-384.
For Multiple Authors:
Suzuki N, Watanabe K, Sekimoto A, Urata M, Zanaty MI, Sekiguchi T, Kitani Y, Matsubara H, Srivastav Ajai K. and Hattori A. (2019) Gadolinium at low concentration suppresses both osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in the scales of goldfish. Am J Environ Sci. 15:137-144.
For Book Reference
Dacke CG. (1979) Calcium Regulation in Sub-mammalian Vertebrates. Academic Press, London, pp. 222.
For Chapters in Book Reference
Srivastav Ajai K, Das VK, Srivastav SK and Kumar A. (2011) Environmental contaminants: Impact on endocrinal calcium regulation in fish. In: Emerging Trends in Zoology, eds. Srivastava UC and Kumar S, Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp 319-334.
For Online article
Sileshi GW, Nyeko P, Nkunika POY, Sekematte BM, Akinnifesi FK and Ajayi OC. (2009) Integrating Ethno-Ecological and Scientific Knowledge of Termites for Sustainable Termite Management and Human Welfare in Africa. Ecology Society 14, 48.
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