International Journal of Biological
and Environmental Investigations

( I J B E I )

ISSN : 2583-1690

International Journal of Biological and Environmental Investigations (Intern. J. Biol. Environ. Invest.) welcomes original manuscripts for publication. Please read the “Guide for Authors” before making a submission. Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript to this journal are provided below.

International Journal of Biological and Environmental Investigations considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that:

The manuscript has been submitted only to International Journal of Biological and Environmental Investigations and it is not under consideration or peer review or accepted for publication or in press or published elsewhere.
The manuscript is your own original work, and does not duplicate any other published work (including your own previously published work).

Authors, in their cover note to the Editor, have to clearly mention whether the manuscript shall be considered as a Research Paper or Review Article and also confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal for publication. Authors publishing results from in vivo experiments involving animals or humans should state in the Materials and Methods section whether due permission for conduction of these experiments was obtained, from the relevant ethics committees of their Institution.

At the time of submitting the manuscript the corresponding author must provide name, address and e-mail ID of three potential reviewers related with the subject of the manuscript.

Manuscript submission information:

1. General guidelines

Manuscripts should be clearly typed in English using only MS Word, Times New Roman font size 12, double spaced (page setup A4 size) and be compiled in the following order:

  • Title page including title (up to 15 words) of the manuscript followed by names of all authors and their affiliation;
  • Abstract (300 words);
  • Keywords (up to 8 words);
  • Introduction;
  • Material and Methods;
  • Results;
  • Discussion;
  • Conclusion;
  • Acknowledgments;
  • References;
Table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); Figure caption(s) (as a list).
Please do not use desktop publishing software such as Aldus PageMaker or Quark XPress.
Postal address, telephone number and email address of the corresponding author should be provided.

2. Submission of manuscript

All manuscripts should be sent to the editorial office through e-mail:

3. Editorial Policy

International Journal of Biological and Environmental Investigations operates Double Blind Peer Review process. The submitted manuscripts will be initially assessed by the Editor-in-Chief/member of Editorial Board for suitability for publication in the journal. If the manuscript found suitable, then it would be sent to a minimum of two independent reviewers (related to the field of manuscript) to assess the scientific quality of the paper. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of submitted manuscripts.

4. Ethical Guidelines

Authors (regardless of their country of origin) performing experiments on animals, are required to provide a statement in Materials and Methods section that their study organisms were cared for in accordance with the Guidelines approved by the appropriate Ethical Committee at the institution (s) where the experiments were carried out. Manuscripts dealing with unwarranted numbers of rare or endangered species and human subjects may not be accepted.

5. Anti-Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism involves presenting someone else's work (copying of phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or longer extracts from published or unpublished work) as one's own particular work. Self-plagiarism sometimes occurs when an author reuses some parts of his/ her own published work without mentioning the appropriate sources OR submit an identical paper published earlier by adding small amounts of new data.

International Journal of Biological and Environmental Investigations strictly opposes the plagiarism and insists the authors to submit a statement that they are aware of the plagiarism policy of the journal and no part of their submitted manuscript/article are copied in any form and it is their original research.

After all precautions If plagiarism comes to knowledge of International Journal of Biological and Environmental Investigations, an investigation would be initiated and the journal will inform the author's institute for the misconduct done by the authors.

6. Conflict of Interests

International Journal of Biological and Environmental Investigations requests authors to disclose any conflict of interest. If the authors have no conflict of interest to declare, corresponding author may state this to the Editor-in-Chief at the time of submission of the manuscript.

7. Reference Style Guidelines

References should be cited in the text as: for one author- Srivastav, 2010; for two authors- Srivastav and Srivastav, 2010; for more than two authors- Srivastav et al., 2010. References should be arranged in alphabetical order in reference section. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of references. The reference style is provided below:

For Journal Reference:

For One Author:
Srivastav AK. (1983) Calcemic response of the freshwater mud eel, Amphipnous cuchia to vitamin D3 administration. J Fish Biol. 23: 301-303.

For Two Authors:
Yadav Seema and Srivastav Ajai K. (2009) Influence of calcitonin administration on ultimobranchial and parathyroid glands of pigeon Columba livia. Microsc Res Tech. 72: 380-384.

For Multiple Authors:
Suzuki N, Watanabe K, Sekimoto A, Urata M, Zanaty MI, Sekiguchi T, Kitani Y, Matsubara H, Srivastav Ajai K. and Hattori A. (2019) Gadolinium at low concentration suppresses both osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in the scales of goldfish. Am J Environ Sci. 15:137-144.

For Book Reference
Dacke CG. (1979) Calcium Regulation in Sub-mammalian Vertebrates. Academic Press, London, pp. 222.

For Chapters in Book Reference
Srivastav Ajai K, Das VK, Srivastav SK and Kumar A. (2011) Environmental contaminants: Impact on endocrinal calcium regulation in fish. In: Emerging Trends in Zoology, eds. Srivastava UC and Kumar S, Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp 319-334.

For Online article
Sileshi GW, Nyeko P, Nkunika POY, Sekematte BM, Akinnifesi FK and Ajayi OC. (2009) Integrating Ethno-Ecological and Scientific Knowledge of Termites for Sustainable Termite Management and Human Welfare in Africa. Ecology Society 14, 48.

8. Figures

Illustrations (300 dpi) should be provided as a separate file in JPEG/TIFF format. Illustrations should be numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in the text as Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and so on. There is no charges for color figures.

9. Submission checklist

Corresponding author must ensure that the following items are present:

  • Name of the corresponding author with contact details:
  • E-mail address and Full postal address of all authors
  • All necessary files have been uploaded:
  • Include keywords
  • All figures with captions
  • All tables with titles, description and footnotes
  • Manuscript has been ‘spell checked'
  • All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa
  • Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material used in the manuscript from other sources
  • Competing interests statement is provided

10. Publication charges

International Journal of Biological and Environmental Investigations requires no submission, processing charges and publication fee. All manuscripts are processed free of cost.

Every peer-reviewed research article published in International Journal of Biological and Environmental Investigations will be published open access. This means that the article is freely and universally accessible online in an easily readable format immediately after publication. The author does not have to pay charges for open access.

After acceptance of the manuscript, a fee is charged towards e-prints (INR 2000 for Indians and US$ 150 for authors outside India). The e-prints charge cover the costs of DOI, Electronic Composition and Production, Journal Information System, Overhead Expenses, and Administrative costs. The modes of fee payment will also be intimated in the acceptance letter (through e-mail) and the corresponding author has to make the payment within one week of receiving acceptance letter.

11. Author Withdrawal Policy

Requests for withdrawal of manuscript after submission within 48 hrs by corresponding author is allowed. After acceptance of the manuscript for publication the withdrawal is not permitted by International Journal of Biological and Environmental Investigations.

12. Galley Proofs

Galley proofs would be sent to the corresponding author and it is responsibility of the corresponding author to return the corrected galley proof within 72 hours. The authors are responsible for the contents appeared in their published manuscripts.

13. Copy Right Form:

Copy Right form should be signed necessarily at the time of publication of manuscript. The form will be provided in the acceptance e-mail.